I can try. Without referring to classical, standard or known terrestial sources.
Now, by this question (and subsequent questions) I am assuming that you are referring to those Saints who are worshipped, have a place in the spiritual realm already.
Imagine a being who can do what he wants to do with just his mind. He thinks spells into being, he is so powerful that he is capable of doing things no one else has ever done.
>Is that his rating with using a grimoire?
By the time a saint gets to be 10W6 the use of a grimoire is more or less inseparable from him. He IS the Grimoire. To become a worshipped Saint one must be the same as the magic, the same as the grimoire, the same as the spells.
>Or is that his highest ability already calculated with all >augments?
It doesn´t really matter at that level. But for a Saint to be worshipped he´s got to be pretty darn powerful in his own right, and as I said,inseparable form hismagic. Since he is on the Essential Planes he doesn´t have a grimoire or spells anymore, so this IS HIM.
>How did he get that mighty ?
>How does a saint create his own saint node?
He doesn't. The power does´'t come from him, but from the Creator and the Upper Planes. Thus what a saint does is to discover the connections and become the channel through which the divine power is routed to Glorantha. From God to the Saint to the Grimore to the Spell to the spell caster.
If the Saint were to make up a new power and establish it on another plane then it would BY DEFINITION not have a divine, upper world link and he would be making a "false world," also called a "short world." It might work like a grimoire and spells, but would not be one because it would not e coming form the Essential Planes.
>Is that a heroquest or a spell or a secret or what?
Yes, there are definite HQ-type rituals that are necessary to establish such a link. The most difficult part is that a person must, basically, have worshippers (or as-if-worshippers) while he is alive. Then they hve to remain worhsipping him after he apotheosizes. After he´s gone to the Other Side(Essence Planes, for Saints) the link must be maintained by worshippers.
Thus the would-be Saint must have something for the worshippers to want, to retain their link with him.
>The same with a great god of 10W12, is he a ruling god >like Zeus?
Yes, you can think of that as an appropriate model. But don´t go thinking of the Homeric Zeus, which is a dull humanoid mask of the real Pagan Zeus. That is, Zeus = "The Shining" which is the source of light and the power behind the storm, the entire Above. He is all the sky, the source of the Sun and Moon, the power behind the Storms for the entire world.
>Or is he more the absolute creator of the whole universe, >like our christian god, or the invisible god of the >Gloranthan wizardry church? ?
Well, that depends on which Christian or Gloranthan God you are talking about. If it´s the "guy in the sky" type of God then that´s about the same as the Zeus I tried to describe. If it´s the infinite Creator then it´s not.
But basically, there is another level above the Great God which is a 10W16, but it´s the so-called "mystical level" and if anyone Gloranthan actually contacts it and is less than 10W12 then they can understand only confusion and gobbly gook, so it´s basically out of the picture.
Greg Stafford
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