Today RW people are still questioning priests to ask
how many pater nosters and how much money they need to
spend for the Church in order to gain a place in
And sometimes, priests _answer_!
I think that even if the answer is futile, the above question is *important* and Gloranthans are not exception to it.
> Nonetheless, the numbers attempt to measure
> SOMETHING. The structure comes from the fact that a
> W3 always gets three bumps, hence always rolls a
> critical success. Versus a normal opposition, he at
> least gets a tie. Hence he is a Master at whatever.
> And the structure progresses from there.
Yes, but...
Let's say I am Zzabur.
Would I not say that "The energies required to cross
the barrier to the otherside, clearly represents the
tenth exponent of the Universal Constant of Myth,
which is mathemathically speaking an irrational
And the Hundreth exponent of the same UCoM represents
the Miraclemight of St Rokar, while the Tousandth
expomnent represents the Will of Malkion the Prophet
and so on"?
> However, there is also an arbitrariness to the
> numbers as well. An abstraction, a sense of quantity
> which almost inevitably gets in the way of the
> story.
Sometimes stories *are* about numbers as well. Especially stories involving a certain Zzaburite hero and a certain Astronaut hero ;)
> As game designers, we just hae to make decisons and
> do our best.
I am absolutely certain of that.
My question was not criticism, but maybe a suggestion.
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