I want to report and ask you linking about some of newly written scribbles, though I merely wanted to do so after finishing about Emperor Mikaday's romance (see below).....sorry, don't care such naive, meaningless statements of mine. :-) I am happy.
Ask for links from Mything Links (Oliver Bernuetz)
Alwoon's Stories (I think too many bullies and sociopath ZZites made
impression of uz bad, more sensible, clever characters are needed as hooman
Call of Blue Moon (Introduction of "Terminators of Ebon City", this
hero(?)band is rival of Elz Ast Thief Takers, Detectives and Spies... )
Tragedy of Karvanyar (I assume this kind of play is popular in my Lunar
What's Truth? (Silly argument from Theological and Theoretical Point of
Views, with fine teaching of Peter Larsen about recording of Three Cults...)
Shia-Oh and Emperor Vashanti (IMG, Kralori thinking about loyalty and
"common-sense" to mysticism....)
Some Other stories I have planned for future Kralori Material of Zin Letter.
Mikaday and Daughter of Emerald Fish Lord (Moral thinking through romance.
Cat and Thunder Man (Farming Legend through Folklore)
> Message: 3
> From: "Oliver Bernuetz" <oliver_bernuetz_at_hotmail.com>
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Subject: RE: >[Fourth Kidnapping of Alwoon]
> Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 21:17:53 -0600
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Hi Terra,
> Is this going to be on your website? Let me know because I'd like to link
to it for Mything Links.
> Thanks,
> Oliver
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