Such priests are swindlers.
> Yes, but...
> Let's say I am Zzabur.
> Would I not say that "The energies required to cross
> the barrier to the otherside, clearly represents the
> tenth exponent of the Universal Constant of Myth,
> which is mathemathically speaking an irrational
> number.
Sorcerers are exceptions in rule boundary of HQ, maybe your question seems to be an attempt to make complicated affair (like heroquest attempt) too simplified form such as an one contest of rolling dices.
> And the Hundreth exponent of the same UCoM represents
> the Miraclemight of St Rokar, while the Tousandth
> expomnent represents the Will of Malkion the Prophet
> and so on"?
But perhaps Zzaburi don't believe existence of Saints.....and MAYBE they are right and other malkioni are WRONG. I think HW 1st Edition Essense Plane description was written too much from POV of New Loskalmi (Jamie's love to Loskalm and secret attempt?), and I think it is the reason why its rough description of Immeasureable plane and Law plane was dropped in HQ...for even rokari (much similar to NH comparing to "true" brithini) don't believe superiority of Joy over Solace....
> > However, there is also an arbitrariness to the
> > numbers as well. An abstraction, a sense of quantity
> > which almost inevitably gets in the way of the
> > story.
> Sometimes stories *are* about numbers as well.
> Especially stories involving a certain Zzaburite hero
> and a certain Astronaut hero ;)
Again, sorcerers and their tapping are exception, as mystics in HW and hsunchens of Animist traditions. (read about Puma in HQ-rules mailing list....they are not Hsunchen, and their transformation is not ANIMIST MAGIC.) TI
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