> >Today RW people are still questioning priests to ask
> >how many pater nosters and how much money they need to
> >spend for the Church in order to gain a place inheaven.
> >And sometimes, priests _answer_!
> Yes, of course. I remember in the cathechism that
> was used to brainwash me had an amount of time after
> each prayer which was, I believe, the amount of time
> that the prayer would reduce someone's time in purgatory.
The community I belong to is quite clear that this is 97% bullshit. Interesting bullshit, of course ... ;-)
Prayer should properly be used to enter into communion with the Holy Spirit, Christ, the Father, the Saints, and the other participants ; in whichever order (ascending or descending) is right for you.
Prayer isn't a Get Out Of Hell Free card in some kind of spiritual Monopoly game ...
The Bible is explicit in the fact that Jesus, during his life time, was considered a drunkard and a sinner.
> Let us not forget the wonderous indulgences
> which could be bought by persons in the Middle
> Ages to reduce the sins.
They're hard to forget, especially when certain TV evangelists are still perpetuating the idea ...
> >Would I not say that "The energies required to cross
> >the barrier to the otherside, clearly represents the
> >tenth exponent of the Universal Constant of Myth,
> >which is mathemathically speaking an irrational number.
> >And the Hundreth exponent of the same UCoM represents
> >the Miraclemight of St Rokar, while the Tousandth
> >expomnent represents the Will of Malkion the
> >Prophet and so on"?
> You might. You probably would, in order to speak
> the language of whomever asks the qeustion.
... and whomever answers it ...
This is an interesting point here, related to the part of the New Testament that says "In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God" etc.
We have to remember that Sorcery is based on Logic, so that it would IMO actually _require_ that some sort of comprehensible analytical statement of the kind be made for it to descend into / be manifest in the Inner World of the mortals.
BUT : Is this a question of Form or Substance ? ;-)
> Or I might just hit you with a stick.
Ouch !
Julian Lord
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