But I think you ignore some of them can be both! Most dangerous swindler believes own deceit with sincerity, IMO that's why "fanatical" Arkat could easily allure and seduce his companions even after many of his betrayals, and his charisma and deceitful smile is devilish enough to enchant heroes and innocent poor girls....maybe as that of real Greg Stafford. :-) And swindlers can be heroquesters.........
> At any rate, the question is, are there people on Glorantha who
> would give a detailed answer to such a question, and are any of them
> sincere? I think the answer is clearly 'yes' to both questions. But they
> do not IMO form a mainstream group, even in the West.
I think HQ description most comprehensible official answer to other world
along long history of the game world, but IIRC Gian's question was about
ability of Saints or such matter.
> >
> >Sorcerers are exceptions in rule boundary of HQ, maybe your question
> >to be an attempt to make complicated affair (like heroquest attempt) too
> >simplified form such as an one contest of rolling dices.
> >
> >
> But such people do exist in Glorantha, and would, indeed, give an answer
> looking much like the one above, IMO. And, should you desire complicated
> answers to relatively simple questions, one doesn't have to restrict
> oneself to talking to sorcerers - a great many theists, animists and
> mystics are quite capable of talking in gobbledigook and are frequently
> happy to do so!
Yes, but Greg wrote only from aspect of HQ rule and he didn't say all can be explained from this aspect. Again, IIRC. (Amnesia indicates at least I am not so serious...)
> And I'd argue that the sort of answers given by our
> mathematical sorcerer only look 'simple' to us because we're used to
> mathematics in the modern world. I mean 'tenth exponent of the Universal
> Constant of Myth'; well, it all may look very neat and defined from
> where we're standing, but does it really have any more inherent meaning
> in it than something a mystic might say?
> > But perhaps Zzaburi don't believe existence of Saints.....
> Not as a general rule. Or, at least, they don't call them Saints.
Ghosts, Phantoms, False Gods, Erasanchula...?
Greg Stafford:
> Of course, similiar is the key word here. :)
> But see below.
[Snip about Climate of Vormain and Kralorela]
Thank you for your quick but proper answers! But see above.
End of Glorantha Digest
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