As usual, a little bit of late news, but also a bit of early news!
As most of you know, Dragon Pass is now available! GTA and contributor copies were mailed at the beginning of December, so everyone should have gotten them by now. (Please let us know if you haven't.) Once again, we urge everyone to contact us and update or confirm their physical address, as we know of at least one copy of Dragon Pass that was mailed to an old address. (And if you are receiving this dispatch at an old email, please update that as well!)
Even better, however, is the news that Masters of Luck and Death is at the printer! This 72 page book was delayed by a month because of some text and art that came in later than we had expected, but the files went off last Monday, and we expect delivery in time for the mid-January ship date. (Just a clarification -- Steve Jackson Games takes 3-4 days to ship copies of books to distributors, and cannot begin shipping retail orders until that is done. Until the copies are actually ready for retail shipping, the Warehouse 23 web site will show the book as "at the printer", even if the copies are in the warehouse. So, if you hear that the book is out, please be patient!) We expect to mail GTA and contributor copies the week of January 19th, and retail copies should ship the following week.
GTA members have access to some of the contents, and once the book is out we will make a sample available to everyone. GTA Initiates can read about a band of Donandari entertainers in Captain Dashwood's Traveling Show. GTA Runemasters can read about the unusual Plan of the Black and White Owls. And in preparation for receiving their copy, GTA Heroes have access to the entire book's contents.
An updated product page is available at
<>, including the final table of
contents and (any day now) the cover image!
We hope to get more updates posted in the next couple of weeks, including a PDF version of the Hero Wars to HeroQuest Conversion Notes and a version of the Game Aids organized for booklet printing.
Thanks for your continued support. It's been a great year for HeroQuest and Glorantha, we look forward to making 2004 even better!
Stephen Martin
Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest, Roleplaying in Glorantha
P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527
Phone: (925) 680-8897
See our extensive web site at <>
End of Glorantha Digest
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