Not sure about the high rate or not, but here are some examples (gods and others) of dismemberment and severe injury:
Norse: Ymir (dismembered to create world), Odin (lost eye), Tyr (lost
hand), Narve (dismembered, guts used to bind Loki)
Egyptian: Osiris (dismembered, partially reconstructed), Horus (lost eye
which shattered and had to be gathered together, lost both eyes, lost
hand), Seth (castrated), Amun (lost eye), Isis (beheaded, still controlled
her body and restored herself)
Greek: Uranus (castrated), Medusa (beheaded), Orpheus (dismembered, head
lived on)
Celtic: Nuada (lost arm, and thus kingship), Bran (beheaded, head lived
on), Conaire (survived beheading briefly)
Mesopotamian: Tiamat (dismembered to create world)
India/Vedic: Purusha/Brahma (dismembered to create world)
Japan: Kagutsuchi (dismembered)
Aztec: Tlaltecuhtli (dismembered to create world, may be related to human
sacrifices and dismemberment)
More recent European tales: Green Knight (Arthurian, beheaded and then
reattached), misc disembodied heads (fairy tales, people and animals, some
US stories: headless horseman
End of Glorantha Digest
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