Re: Broos Helping Praxians

From: Goihl & Fahey <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 14:23:32 +0100

Alright, I'll let you all in on the true story. Seems there were these Lunars coming and all sorts of people were showing up to fight them. =
There was a group of people from Dragon Pass, mostly Sartar. In Praxian =
our word for Sartarite requires locality, meaning that those refered to =
are currently in Sartar. We know them from raiding them in their place. =
This is also the case for our names for oasis slaves. These people were =
not currently where they came from, so our word for them didn't fit. We =
had to use other terms for them, and since they were just foreign ground = men we couldn't use any other term for people. Since these guys were all = full of hate and frothing at the mouth, stinking and rabid, and seemed = to have nothing else in their minds but destruction, we called them = broos. Maybe they were too!

Daniel Toothmaker


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