Re: [HeroQuest-RPG] The Trollkin Economy 2

From: Mikko Rintasaari <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 04:15:04 +0300 (EEST)

On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Graham Robinson wrote:

> Enjoy!

Excellent. I had actually missed the original.

Since you asked for input and/or corrections there seems to be a flaw in the original article, in the numbers of trollkin born.

"...The second figure we don't know, is the average size of a trollkin litter. I'll do the maths twice - once assuming six 'kin per litter, and once twenty-four."

Book of Uz (Trollpack 1988) actually has troll tribe generation rules on page 48. The table gives a litter size of 1d6 trollkin.

Parhaps you want to adjust the math a bit? Doesn't really change the conclusions of the article.


PS. I think trollkin births, by trollkin, are mostly live ones. At least 50% should live since the description is "many are born stillborn".


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