Whereas Arthur the Welsh warleader works reasonably well, IMO.
And in reply to another:
> > > U571, the patriot (with Mel Gibson as a Revolutionary War patriot).
> >
> > As I remember those, both suffer from a nasty case of "the hero has to
> > be American".
>Well, a movie set in the American Revolution *does* have a certain built-in
>restricton on the nationality of its characters... the hero pretty much has
>to be British (or Hessian) or Colonist.
So they made it with an Australian actor. I find that vastly amusing...
-- | Paul May | paul.robert.may_at_gmailNOSPAM.com | Kax Hoplodyne, Ltd | kax_at_oraNOSPAMc.net.au | MIB 1138; RD Australia | the_kax_at_yaNOSPAMhoo.com I'm an omnitheist. You can't have too many messiahs. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.3 - Release Date: 15/03/05 ------------------------------
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