Ian Cooper
> King of Sartar goes on to list other atrributes. He
> must display the Orlanthi virtues, and must have folk
> that can attest to them before the clan. He must:
> "know men=EDs magic and have a magical item of his
> own...two good horses, a metal helmet and byrnie, two
> good swords, and six spears".
> Note the warrior paraphenalia here. The chief is
> expected to be a war leader - it is one of his duties.
I wonder what the requirements on marriage planning and presiding over the loomhouse are. How much of the "first lady" jobs are implied in chieftainship? Is it the chieftain only, or does a husband-and-wife team compete for the post?
If so, can a female candidate for chieftainship provide the warrior paraphernalia for her champion?
> The note about men's magic and possession of a magic
> item implies his position as leader of the clan's
> rituals. That seems to exclude non-Vingan women
> leaders unless the clan has Esrolian style of
> leadership (in which case the requirements will differ
> and not allow male candidates).
My guess is that this exclusion of Ernaldans has a grain of "must be born into the clan" requirement, which most Ernaldans aren't. On the other hand, a woman eligible for chieftainship obviously has huge status and is a prime candidate for an "Esrolian marriage".
I think we get into administration of human resources here. How many magically (implying socially, as in matchmaking) or otherwise highly specialized women (e.g. in crafts) are allowed to be married off outside of the clan, and how many are kept to the hearth of their births?
Judging from the conservative paranoia of Heortling culture against everything "not of us", I suspect even an even exchange of female talent with another clan (or worse in a triaty or similar arrangement) will be less satisfying than keeping talented females in their birth clan.
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