>Aye, it won't be a problem for any halfway-competent apologist. Putting
>on my Aeolian Preacher hat: (ahem)
>Clearly the pagan Heortlings, in their ignorant way, have *some*
>connection to St. Worlath, since he does grant them storm magic. Being
>ignorant heathens, they think they have made a connection to a "god"
>named "Orlanth", but we know better.
An Aeolian Preacher would not say this. The Aeolians know that one of the miracles of Aeol was to prove that the pagan gods were humans with magical powers and that God was greater. Orlanth was the first pagan deity that was converted.
The Orlanthi just don't know that Orlanth has been baptized.
--Peter Metcalfe
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