>My campaign has landed in Khorst, and the characters are interested
>in learning more about the Valeki Baronies.
>I've seen nothing about them in official publications, though that
>could be my poor research. Tradetalk 10 and 11 have a tiny bit about
>them, and suggest that Bizos is a castle of theirs. I haven't seen
>any map with this, either.
There is nothing about them in official publications. The source is an unfinished and unpublished article by Marc Millner that was later added to by Ken Rolston. That mentions Valekos, "a border state whose taxes are variously collected by [its] castle-holding barons, depending upon politics of the moment. Bizos, [its] largest city, has a wonderful market for the Aldryami. It is protected by many magics and spells by many gods."
>If anyone has references, I'd appreciate them. If not, speculation is
>welcome. I need to determine what language they speak, to see how
>difficult it'd be for the player heroes to even talk with them
>(essentially, is their language primarily Manirian or primarily
The Mraloti as a whole migrated from Ralios during the Imperial Age (cf the Broken Council Guidebook map on p12) hence I expect the Valeki to be speaking Ralian (while those under Ramalian rule would speak Slontan). Contrary to the standard assumption, I think the True Earth Mraloti were the original culture while the Hsunchen Mraloti appeared with the introduction of Hsunchen secrets from the God Learners during the Second Age.
--Peter Metcalfe
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