>What happens to the Esvulari during the Windstop? Since the Aeolian church is
>misapplied worship of Orlanth, doesn't that mean all their magic goes, too?
The Aeolian Church is *not* "misapplied worship of Orlanth" so their magic
doesn't fail. Anybody that worships Saint Worlath which is misapplied worship
of Orlanth will be affected (although I'm surprised to see Ehilm having a
presence in the keywords than Worlath).
>Still, that's got to be pretty shocking for them, to have a Pagan
>God killed/chained and then your magic vanishes.
Except that the Aeolians believe their saints are the same as the pagan gods, just correctly worshipped.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 49
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