I love the idea of tax collectors offices filled with cows and sheep. :)
I'm actually asking because my game is in Karse,=20
and I'm trying to figure out how I want
money to be done there. It's been a merchant city=20
for a long time, and a merchant city is
going to gravitate towards cash. Also, one of the=20
players has an NPC friend who is in
deep gambling debt and I'm trying to guesstimate=20
how much is a properly shocking
number. I'm going to wing it anyway, but I was=20
wondering if in one of these long,
complicated digest discussions someone had already done the work. :)
On 11 Mar 2005 at 11:00, glorantha-request_at_rpglist.org wrote:
> Yes, exchange rates are going to vary enormously from place to place even
> before the Lunar occupation. TR is clear "...each clan has it's own base
> rates..." and the figures given are "...average for most Sartarite
> clans:".
> Perhaps the key question is whether the cow remains the standard of
> currency or is replaced by the Lunar. I'm sure that the Lunars try
> and make this happen "We don't want cows, pay your taxes in silver
> like civilised folk". Equally some Orlanthi will insist the only
> proper standard is the cow and driving a herd of cattle into the
> tax collector's office is the right thing to do. Given the fuss
> made in Britain over decimalistion and currently about adopting
> the euro there's plenty of scope for silly rows which will
> completly overshadow any exchange rate calculations.
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