Volume 6, Number 3, February 2005
~~ S l u r p F o l k s ! ~~
Welcome to the February Tentacles News Post, featuring all the latest Tentacles news and views. Feel free to forward this newsletter to friends, allies and sworn enemies. If you do not want to receive this newsletter or have a new email address please send notification to: fabian_at_tentacles-convention.de
~ A G r a n d e z z a i n t h e M a k i n g ~
Welcome to our new Newsletter and excuse our absence! I just managed to escape these busy tentacles to hack in these news items. Mind you I can't stay long or they'll notice I am gone.
The feast is pulling itself together very nicely, the sacrifices are prepared, the heroes are summoned and the beer is brewed! Everything is building towards a grandezza feast!
But read for yourself...
~ S i g n - u p n o w ! ~
Make sure you don't miss the role-playing spectacle of the year! Places going fast (as always) and registration is only possible for one more month!
~ Tentacles Grandezza ~
The HeroQuest, Call of Cthulhu
and Eternal Champion Game Fest
13th-16th May 2005
Castle Stahleck, Germany
Sign-up here:
The price for residential attendees is 95 Euro* and includes bed, breakfast and dinner.
Non-residential attendees pay 25 Euro for the whole event.
Residential places are available at this price until 31st March 2005. After this date we will charge a late fee of 10 Euro.
(* The Youth Hostel is responsible for the increase in price in line with their normal price increases.)
~ T e n t a c l e s F r e s h B l o o d P r o g r a m m e ~
If you are under 21 years of age and have never been to Tentacles, we want you to come and join our community! We have 10 residential places set aside for young newcomers, at the special discounted price of 70 Euro (that's 25 Euro less than usual). To secure your place, just write an email with the subject 'Tentacles Fresh Blood' to:
~ N e w M a i l i n g L i s t f o r T e n t a c l e s ~
With the help of our steadfast technical adviser Paul Holt we have activated professional server-based mailing list software that will remove the need for Fabian to send out each newsletter manually to each list member. Make sure your Email-Address is listed by sending a message with the subject 'subscribe' to:
~ T h e I m m o r t a l H e r o b a n d ~
S t a f f o r d, Greg
Greg is back! The legendary creator of Glorantha is
back to spread more news and gossip, tell more stories,
bring more myths to life, meet more people, hear and answer
more questions and play more games! Well, he is a full year
behind... Ask him about Mexico, Pendragon and check if he can
still handle that lighter to open a bottle of beer for you!
P e t e r s e n, Sandy
What would Tentacles be without him!? The tireless Great Old One
will be around again and he wrote a new CoC-FreeForm for us: 'A Night at
the Opera'! Sandy will of course host another legendary 'Horror Lottery
Game' and generally keep the crowd entertained and the Infoshrine Staff
on it's feet! Try to beat him in a Gameboy Game of your choice...
K r a n k, Charlie
We are proud to host Mr. Krank this year! He is not just
another Giant of Gaming but the President of Chaosium Inc. and a BBQ
expert! Charlie did editing, layout, design, develop, writing, drawing
maps and cover layout for Chaosium games and books for 26 years. Just
look at the credits of ANY Chaosium product! Get him drinks and listen
W h i t a k e r, Lawrence
Loz our Eternal Champion, Straw Dog and beloved friend will guide us
to new gaming shores this year! Follow him on his journey to Gwenthia!
Besides earning free drinks by reading fiction he will game, game, game...
B r a y, Simon
Simon the monstermachine of writing, drawing, editing and publishing
will struck us in awe again with a new Glorantha FreeFrom: 'The Wulf
came in from the Cold'! Step back and let him and his team of authors
and GM's entertain you!
S i m s, Darran
Darran is co-founder of the 'Ring of HeroQuest Narrators' (RHQN) and
tireless in bringing truth and light to the roleplaying masses at
conventions in the northern hemisphere! As an excellent author and
narrator he will bring Glorantha to life at Tentacles with an exclusive
Episode in grandezza!
H a w l e y, Dr. Martin
Martin is the main author of 'Men of the Sea' and a first-class
webresearcher! He will host an exclusive HeroQuest Episode of epic
proportions featuring ships, sea, naval battles and a little more!
Be there for: 'Hell or Highwater?'! Just what the tribe is waiting
E v a n s, Sarah
Sarah is our featured artist this year! She has a knack for drawing,
painting, sewing and modelling everything Gloranthan and is bringing
some of her art to sell. With her help we will have a new Trollball
Trollkin since the old one enjoys his retirement in the Infoshrine!
S c h i e m i c h e n, Wolfgang
T h e famed and feared German CoC gamemaster, teacher, actor and
phantomist clown will be around again and unleash horror at random
victims and the usual and unusual subjects!
~ G r a n d e z z a F r e e F o r m s ~
T h e W u l f c a m e i n f r o m t h e C o l d by Simon Bray and Martin Hawley, with assistance from Mark Galeotti and Colin Driver.
Across the frigid, icy wilderness the wolves sing their haunting lament. They sense the world is ending. The great god Orlanth is dead, killed by Lunar sorcery. His warriors have fallen; his tribes are dying, unable to breath. The once proud land of Sartar lies humbled and frozen before its crimson foe.
Where once the mighty Creek flowed there is nothing but hoarfrost. No flowers bloom in the hill pastures, and the women that collected them lie frozen in the fields. An ancient tower which was once filled with feasting warlords is now home to cowering and broken old men, who huddle around a last spark of life. Beneath them whisper the ghost of their pasts, hungry and waiting for their ends to come.
To the east the Wulf is stirring, called to duty, by the cries of his enemies. He plans to make a new den, to taste new flesh and destroy the weak. The moon is full and his mistress calls to him. Dangerford shall be his new home, and perhaps his last.
Out of the snow, strangers approach, blown by the ice storm and driven by hunger and need. Their lives hang like icicles in the wind; will they receive what they need to survive? What do they bring to the survival of the clan?
But far away a wind is blowing, a new wind, and the first breaths of a new world born of violence. Those who hear it awaken, renewed. Can deaf ears and dulled minds hear it's message? Do they want to? Or are the folk of Dangerford forever locked in their dying cycle. Will their kin forgive their sins, their bloody alliances and wicked deeds?
Join in the lives, losses and loves of the Dolutha Clan of Dangerford. Can you help them break from the Winter Curse? March with the glorious Lunar Army; come spread the word of the Goddess and make the world whole again.
D a t a: A dark and twisted Glorantha FreeForm for 35 players.
B o x e d a n d S a f e
von Gunnar Kotsch und Karsten Sassenberg
Eingeschlossen in ungeheurer Tiefe wird etwas bewacht, dass das Licht
nicht sehen sollte. In einem Granitfelsen mitten im Atlantik. Auf keiner
Karte ist dieser Ort verzeichnet. Wissen wird zur gef=88=A7hrlichsten Waffe,
die man sich denken kann. Wenn Kontrollspezialist Mc Rill tats=88=A7chlich
w=88=BAsste, wie man sich IHM n=88=A7hern k=88=8Fnnte oder wie es=
hinunterginge, w=88=A7re
auch er nicht mehr sicher. Wenn er doch nur diesen verdammten Job
hinter sich gebracht h=88=A7tte. Leute seiner Qualifikation muss man auf der
ganzen Welt suchen. Und trotzdem ist er mit dem Gehalt, das ihn erwartet
v=88=8Fllig =88=BAberbezahlt. Seit gestern wird er ein seltsames Gef=88=BAhl=
D a t a: Ein diplomatisches Call of Cthulhu FreeForm f=88=BAr 25 Spieler.
A N i g h t a t t h e O p e r a
by Sandy Petersen
A small theatrical group finds the long-lost manuscript of the legendary Don Juan Triumphant and decides to put on this amazing modern opera. No singing ability required. Modern attire appropriate.
D a t a: A horror Mini-FreeForm for 12 people, directed and written by Sandy Petersen. Duration 3 hours.
~ G r a n d e G a m e s ~
H e l l o r H i g h w a t e r ?
by Dr. Martin Hawley
There is trouble in paradise! The idyllic Hanafarador Islands, nestled in the northern Venperhan Ocean, are under threat. =46or some reason the waters around the islands are rising. Many coastal villages are extremely close to being lost beneath the waves. In recent weeks all those that seek to fish or travel between islands have had to turn back as terrible monsters and living water swamp boats and prowl the beach at night.
All know that this is somehow connected to the continuing rise of the demonic Andins. The terrible horned Andins are attacking shipping, ransacking outer islands, and sacificing locals on altars to a new deity called the Red Sun. Queen Hirensanova has sought out the bravest heroes to help in a powerful mission that she hopes will help defend her islands against the rising waters and the terrible demons.
Data: A HeroQuest Episode for 5 players.
S c a r s
by Lawrence Whitaker
Every year the villagers of the Scarclimb Vale prepare for the
ritual attacks of the Iqari who, with the ascendancy of Dagaz,
are at the height of their powers. This year, the attacks did not come.
Despite their relief at being spared, Consul yr-R=88=A7manil is concerned:
why has such an implacable foe as the Iqari not harried the Vale's
people? Indeed, why have so few Iqari been seen in the skies above and
around Scarclimb Rise? Acting beyond his authority as Consul,
yr-R=88=A7manil has instructed his regional investigators, the group known a=
the M=88=A7t'=9F=F5n, to venture into the Scarclimb territories in pursuit o=
answers. It is a perilous mission: Scarclimb is the Iqari's realm and
denied to Cromaigne. No one has ventured into the mountains and
returned; can the M=88=A7t'=9F=F5n succeed where death has been the only pre=
D a t a: 'Scars' is an epic scenario for up to 8 players, set in the
new, collective world of Gwenthia, and specifically on the island of
Cromaigne, being developed at =92=C4=F2The Tavern=92=C4=F4 (www.tavern.org.u=
k). The
adventurers, playing the M=88=A7t'=9F=F5n (pronounced may-THEEN), will uncov=
dark secrets about Cromaigne's past and disturbing hints of its future.
The scenario will be in the form of a mini-campaign split into two or
three sessions, run across the weekend. Background information on
Cromaigne, including characters for the game, will be provided at
Tentacles. The game system is Basic Roleplaying (BRP), and so familiar
to most Tentacles players.
~ H o r r o r L o t t e r y G a m e ~
T h e D e r e l i c t
by Sandy Petersen
Modern-era nautical action with Sandy. Death in the icy depths of the North Sea.
D a t a: A Call of Cthulhu adventure by Sandy Petersen for 6 people. Duration 4-6 hours.
More Grande Games added soon!
~ G r a n d e S e m i n a r s ~
A n I n t r o d u c t i o n t o G w e n t h i a
In the autumn of 2004, members of =92=C4=F2The Tavern=92=C4=F4 embarked on=
an ambitious
project to develop an entirely new roleplaying world. Intended to be
used with Chaosium's 'Basic Roleplaying' rules, Gwenthia is a huge
collaborative project to develop the places, people, politics and
creatures of these new lands.
After several months of work, Gwenthia is now ready for presentation to a wider audience, and we are proud to announce that Tentacles has been chosen for the first presentation of the project. This seminar will introduce:
The background to the project
Key themes being developed
Resumes of the different lands in development
Plans for the future
In addition to presentations by those involved in its development, a CD is being prepared that attendees may take away and use as a new setting for their roleplaying games. Gwenthia is ready for play, and even though still in development, there is more than enough information to give gamemasters and players a solid, new world for exploration and adventure.
So join Simon Bray, Colin Driver, David Gordon, Darran Sims, Lawrence Whitaker and friends at the Introduction to Gwenthia seminar and help us celebrate this intriguing new project.
More Grande Seminars added soon!
~ C o o l T e n t a c l e s G o o d i e s a v a i l a b l e ! ~
A great way to help Tentacles is to check out:
and order the cool Tentacles Goodies available there!
Make sure you get one of the oversized Tentacles Group Photos (20x30 cm) for your empty, cold walls! Or just have a look at the happy faces!
Another great item is the Tentacles Compilation CD! It is a browseable Photo-CD with pictures from Tentacles 2000-2004 + extra goodies!
While you there make sure to order our fund-raisers Ybot 4 & Ybot 5 as well!
~ W h a t e l s e w i l l h a p p e n ? ~
Enjoy 3 days of Non-Stop Quality Gaming, participate in tourist scaring 'Trollball Mayhem', be eyewitness to Random Infoshrine Madness, marvel at the 'Refill Beer Fridge' Feat at 10W2, bask in the wonderful 'Castle Illumination', listen to Live Music and witness 'Otherworldy Dancing Skills' at 10W3, waste yourself in 'The Horror Lottery', playtest spell-checked 'Grande Games', win the Grande Quiz with your team, surprise yourself with 'No Problem!' - Youth Hostel Management, be stunned by our 'Special Effects', buy refreshing 'Beercards TM', visit the OLAK (Only Local Area Kebabshop), listen to epic tales, tall stories and mythic panels, see the mighty River Rhine and be a guest again in our beloved medieval castle Stahleck to enjoy the company of one of the most wickedly fun and entertaining bunch of people you will ever find in this world or any other...
~ Tentacles Grandezza ~
The HeroQuest, Call of Cthulhu and Eternal Champion Game Fest 13th-16th May 2005 Castle Stahleck, Germany Register now: http://www.tentacles-convention.de/regis.htm ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 38 *****************************************
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