The various rune metals and Identifiers have changed ober the years & editions... I spent a quiet morning looking up stuff in the collection (ah, the memories!)
RQ1, Page 112 "Rune Identities"
RQ2, Page 101 "Rune Identities"
Wyms Footnotes #9, page 18 "Rune Identities"
(The RQ3 set didn't include the Rune Identities table)
GoG (Gods of Glorantha, Gods Book), page 21 "Cult Identities"
HW Page 233 "Iron and Rune Metals"
HQ page 78 "Rune Metals"
Here are the "Runic Identities" as they have been presented over time...
Color - Black (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Metal - Lead (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG, HW, HQ)
Weapon - Club/Rock (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG); + Mace (GoG)
Phyla - Insect (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Shade (WF9, GoG)
Sense - Hearing (WF9)
Color - Blue (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Metal - Aluminum (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG, HW, HQ); + Quicksilver (GoG, HW, HQ)
Weapon - Whip/Flail (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG); + Net, Trident (GoG)
Phyla - Fish (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Undine (WF9, GoG)
Sense - Taste (WF9)
Color - Green (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Metal - Copper (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG, HW, HQ)
Weapon - Axe (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Phyla - Reptile (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Gnome (WF9, GoG)
Sense - Touch (WF9)
Earth wins the "Stability" contest - no changes to the entries over 27
years! Fitting, really.
=46ire/Sky (Called "Light" in HW)
Color - Yellow (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Metal - Gold (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG, HW, HQ); Tin (HW, HQ)
Weapon - Spear/Arrow (RQ1, RQ2, WF9); Spear only (GoG)
Phyla - Bird (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Salamandar (WF9, GoG)
Sense - Sight (WF9)
Color - White (RQ1, GoG); Orange (WF9)
Metal - Tin (RQ1); Silver (GoG); Bronze (WF9, HW), Brass (HQ)
Weapon - Sword (RQ1, WF9, GoG); + Bow (GoG)
Phyla - Mammal (RQ1, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Sylph (WF9, GoG)
Sense - Smell (WF9)
(The Air listing is absent in RQ2, but was replaced in the WF9 tables)
Color - Red (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG))
Metal - Silver (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, HW, HQ); None (GoG)
Weapon - Sickle (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Phyla - none (RQ1, RQ2, WF9, GoG)
Elemental - Lune (WF9, GoG)
Sense- Balance (WF9)
Metals have also varied in their presentation over the years...
page 8 "Technological Base":
Unalloyed, or pure, metals such as Iron., lead, tin and copper prevent a
person form using magic unless "sealed" to the rune connected to that metal.
Page 61:
Tempering metal suppresses the magic dampening effect on items for the Rune
Lord it was created for.
It takes 1 point of Divine Intervention to temper a Rune-metal or Iron item
Only Iron has special rules associated with it (other than "may house a
Spirit Ally"):
Iron weapons only take damage from Bronze weapons on a critical hit, and
have 1.5 AP
Iron Armor has 1.5 AP.
Iron weighs two "things" less than their bronze equivalent (to a minimum of
1 "thing").
Page 74 - Aldryami take double damage from Iron.
Page 79 - Lycanthropes can only be damaged by pure runic metals or magic
while in animal form.
Page 82 - Trolls take double damage from iron
Page 5 "Technological Base"
Repeats the RQ1 "prevents a person from using magic" text.
Page 56
Iron is still the only metal with Enchanted properties (other than "may
house a Spirit Ally")
Expands the Use of Iron text from RQ1
Now 1 point of DI will enchant a weapon, a shield and a full set of armor at the same time. Items left out of this list can be enchanted later for 1 point of Permanent POW.
Durability & Encumbrance rules remain the same.
Page 73 - Aldryami take double damage from Iron *that penetrates their
Page 74 - Only pure Runic metals and magic can harm Lycanthropes
Page 74 - Trolls take double damage from Iron ("that penetrates their armor
isn't stated'.)
RQ3, Intro to Glorantha Book, page 16
Bronze is a mixture of Copper and Tin, and can also be mined.
Other metals can be enchanted to be the equivalent of bronze.
Un-tempered iron has the same characteristics as bronze. It also suppresses magic at 5%/point of Enc.
Tempered iron removes the magic suppressions, and raises the AP of Iron items to 1.5 normal at no increase in Enc.
Elves and trolls take double damage from iron which penetrates their armor.
Gods of Glorantha, Gods Book, page 19
Basically repeats RQ3 information. Adds Lycanthrope vulnerability to tempered Rune metals and Iron.
Elder Secrets, Secrets Book Page 33
Gives Gloranthan names for metals
Gives properties of Metals.
Bronze (Hu-metal):
Can be mined or made by alloying Tin and Copper.
Basic metal - all else is compared to it.
Copper (Ga-metal):
Same Enc. As Bronze.
Armor is same AP as bronze, but loses 1 AP each time it is penetrated
Weapons have same damage as Bronze, but cannot damage bronze weapons.
Items only lose AP when penetrated by over 2x their AP.
Can be hammered thinner than bronze, losing 2 AP , but halving ENC.
Gold (El-metal):
Twice Enc of Bronze
Glows softly, doubles effectiveness of Light spells.
Most people only gild bronze items.
Iron (ur-metal):
Same physical qualities as bronze
Reduces Casting and being affected by magic by 5%/Enc.
Elves & Trolls take double damage from penetrating hits
Good against lycanthropes
Called "Steel"
Items have 1.5 AP at no increase in Enc.
Lead (na-metal):
1.5 Enc. of Bronze
Never detracts from Stealth skills
Adds +2 damage of Crushing weapons.
Quicksilver/Mercury (Sa-metal):
Enc. equal to bronze
Can use Craft Quicksilver to transform Quicksilver to mercury or vice versa.
Will not sink in water
Silver (Ul-metal):
Can damage creatures normally invulnerable to normal weapons (like
Raw: Only good for bludgeons and sling pellets
Tin: (Ze-metal):
Not often enchanted.
Can be alloyed with Copper to make bronze.
No enchanted bonuses given.
Page 36 - A list of deities with Enchant [Metal] spells.
Aldrya - Enchant Copper
Argan Argar - Enchant Lead
Asrelia - Enchant Copper
Babeester Gor - Enchant Copper, Enchant Iron
City gods - varies, usually none.
East Isles gods - varies, usually none.
Ernalda - Enchant Copper
Gorgorma - Enchant iron
Humakt - Enchant Iron
Invisible God - Enchant iron (Sorcerous)
Kygor Litor - Enchant Lead
Lhankor Mhy - Enchant iron
Lodril - Enchant Copper, Enchant Gold, Enchant Iron, Enchant Lead, Enchant
Magasta - Enchant Quicksilver
Maran Gor - Enchant iron
Mostal All Sorcerous Enchant metals
Orlanth - Enchant Iron, Enchant Silver
Red Goddess - Enchant Iron and Enchant Silver from associated cults
River Gods - Enchant Quicksilver
Seven Mothers - Enchant Iron and Enchant Silver from associated cults
Storm Bull - Enchant iron
Subere - Enchant Lead
Tsankth - Enchant Iron
Ty Kora Tek - Enchant Copper
Uleria - Enchant Silver
Wachaza - Enchant Iron, Enchant Quicksilver
Yelm - Enchant Gold, Enchant Iron
Yelmalio - Enchant Gold, Enchant Iron
Zorak Zoran - Enchant Lead
HW Page 233
Metals can be enchanted to make them as hard as bronze, and to bring out
magical properties.
Lead: No reduction of Stealthy abilities. Lead crushing weapons gain +^1
Aluminum/Quicksilver: Does not sink in water
Copper: Armor gains +^2
Bronze: Wound invulnerable creatures
Gold: Glow softly, double Light magics
Tin: Wound invulnerable creatures
Silver: Wound invulnerable creatures
Iron: Armor +^2, Weapons +^2 (+^4 vs. trolls & elves)
HQ page 78
Metals can be enchanted to make them as hard as bronze and bring out magical
Aluminum/Quicksilver - Does not sink in water
Brass - Wound invulnerable creatures.
Copper - Bonus of 1/10 armor's magical ability rating (if it has one - read
that for *any* 1/10 bonuses down below)
Gold - glows softly, doubles light magic
Lead - no reduction of stealthy abilities, Crushing weapons gain 1/10
Magical ability rating
Silver - Wound invulnerable creatures
Tin - Wound invulnerable creatures
Iron - Double bonus of Weapons & Armor. Bonus of 1/10 magical ability.
Against Elves & Dwarves, Add normal bonus again and double the magical
bonus. Dampens magic whether refined or not.
C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr=C8sent a
fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
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