This idea comes from a television commercial for an energy drink. It starts with a man wearing a white tee-shirt in a large white expanse or room, it's so white you can't tell. The camera the cuts to three women toting paint-ball guns. They are introduced as 'Berry', 'Taurine', and 'Guarana' and are dressed in red, purple, and yellow respectively and they have matching colored paint in their guns. They then proceed to shoot the man in the torso as he endeavors to twist and turn out of the paint's way. On the whole he is fairly unsuccessful at not getting shot judging by the number of red, purple, and yellow splotches that cover his shirt.
Suddenly he is falling and then finds himself walking, initially a little shakily, on a busy city street. His tee-shirt is back to it's pristine condition and the implication of the ad seems to be that he is now fortified with the goodness of each dose of berries, Taurine, and Guarana that he failed to avoid in the earlier scene.
As soon as I saw it I thought 'hero quest' but am having a few problems with some of the details. Presumably the quester misunderstands the nature of the station which actually determines the magnitude of the benefit sought. But is it 'okay' to have such flawed hero quests where either the stations are misunderstood or the result /could/ be significantly better than the one the initial quester achieved if only it occured to subsequent questers tried?
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