>> > > Who was Humakt's mum?
>> > I would guess a goddess of the Dark Earth. She may not exist anymore,
>> > but it's possible the Trolls know her as Subere.
>They both are undifferentiated entities. Vast concepts that a few
>named entities are identified with. Your ideas can be included.
>Mother of Space may hint at Subere and sometimes at Xiola Umbar,
>or even Entekos (with vivid imagination), and yet Ty Kora Tek.
>The last name is intresting in 'Umath and Asrelia'-sense.
I was also wondering whether Ty Kora Tek would make sense as Humakt's mum, with the dead of the Earth Tribe falling into her domain. I also considered the "normal" Earth Goddess progression from maiden to mother to crone, and decided that it was certainly a possibility that TKT had once been a mother, even though she has been incapable of bearing a child at least since the dawn of time. So I think that Humakt's mother may not have *been* Ty Kora Tek, but *became* Ty Kora Tek as Humakt's power of severing/ending took her power of fertility away. The actual myth I leave for someone with more talent...
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