>> But it isn't really the heortling Humakt, more like the Great God
>> of Death if you wish to call it so. But I still call him Humakt.
>> And I think Glorantha gives us resons to.
>Which reasons? The number of other Death Gods out there seems to have put
>paid to this notion.
I gave my reasons recently in my message of 5th April, appearing in
Glorantha Digest,
Vol 11, Issue 100. Subject line: Humakt and the
manifestations of Death.
To sumarise, the other death gods generaly manifest particular forms of death, or have biased agendas while Humakt is seen by his worshipers as being an essentialy neutral force.
I know you read that post because you replied to it and we discussed
the issue. You
may not agee with our conclusions, but we do have reasons for them.
>The idea that the Crimson Bat is actually just a shadow of this Death Bat i=
>pretty frightening. :)
Yep, I'd like to know more about the Death Bat, but I doubt ILH2 will have anything on it.
Simon Hibbs
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