> > Who was Humakt's mum?
>I would guess a goddess of the Dark Earth. She may not exist
>anymore, but it's possible the Trolls know her as Subere.
The only information that we have is King of Sartar in which the uncles of the sons are listed (p64). The listed uncles are Genert, Kalt, Lodril, Magasta and Dehore and they may be intended to correspond to the listed sons: Vadrus, Urox, (Ragnaglar), Humakt and Orlanth. Kolat is not mentioned.
=46irstly the term uncle is nebulous and probably means in Orlanthi terms, any adult male that is related to the mother but is not a direct ancestor.
Second is the apparent elemental sequence - Genert represents Earth, Dehore Darkness, Magasta Water and Lodril Fire. Kalt may or may not represent the Lunar element. He could represent the Predark which had a more neutral image in those days. Kalt is unlikely to represent Storm as there is no known Storm Mother.
We are told that Magasta is not Vadrus's uncle and we know in terms of the myth that Genert is Orlanth's uncle (Lodril, another possibility, is only related through Umath, Orlanth's father).
Urox's uncle could either be Magasta (the motif of the Bull from the Sea) or Lodril, to represent his rage and berserk nature. I find the later more probable giving the nature of the Storm Bull Winds.
Now it looks as though Humakt's Uncle should be Dehore but here we have a problem. The two uncles left are Magasta and Kalt which do not fit with the remaining sons, Vadrus and Ragnaglar.
If Ragnaglar's uncle is Kalt to reflect his innate weakness to Chaos, then Dehore must be Vadrus's Uncle (fair enough) and Magasta Humakt's uncle (which makes little sense).
The remaining possibility is that Lodril is Vadrus's uncle, Urox Magasta's nephew, Ragnaglar Kalt's nephew and Dehore Humakt's uncle. Which makes the most sense but leaves an unresolved question about Urox's relationship with the Sea.
However merely because the Orlanthi presume Dehore to be Humakt's uncle, it does not follow that Dehore's sister is Humakt's mother. The precise genealogical relationships of the Darkness tribe is beyond the Orlanthi and any darkness goddess could be so implied (In addition to Subere, there is Nakala, Styx, Xentha and the Mother of Demons).
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 121
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