>>> The Lake was at the edge of Carmanian and Dara Happan lands.
>>Here is where I say: "Fortunate Succession is, in this instance, wrong." >>Or put more mildly, it isn't particularly correct.
> That's quite a reaching statement. Southeast of the Lake, beyond
> Meglardinth, are the Arirae Hills and west of them is Naveria, lands
> which have been ruled by Dara Happa in the past. Hence the
> statement is correct.
The Jernotian Hills have been ruled traditionally by Pelandans and later on Carmanians. Methinks they form the best "permanent" border between Pelanda/Carmania and Dara Happa.
Dara Happa ruled "all of the Pelorian basin" several times, never quite including darkest Spol or the shores of the Sweet Sea, but close enough. Under the later lion shahs, I don't think this was the case. Nadar the Avenger most probably held the western foothills of the Jernotian Hills.
Note that the Fortunate Succession maps are snapshots, at best covering 50 years of developments. A precedessor publication "Dara Happan Book of Emperors" had preliminary versions of those maps, and a few more, from the look of it photocopies of a topographic map which had been drawn on. These were spaced in steps of 50 years each. I suppose Greg somewhere has the full series.
The early Sultanates/Satrapies were arranged like a spoked wheel around the Silver Shadow - Karasal to the north, followed by First Blessed, Kostaddi, Darjiin, Doblian and Oronin. Similarities to the six jewels surrounding the visible half of the moon as viewed from Glamour are hardly coincidental.
However, this arrangement didn't pay much attention to previous arrangements, like the Dara Happan provinces along the Oslir River (the only irregular border remaining from pre-Lunar reigns IIRC, and superseded by the Silver Shadow near Raibanth).
Descriptions of Doblian and Oronin specifically include mention of former Carmanian heartlands near Lake Oronin. While Dara Happans did rule over Arir and Naveria often in their history (and Dara Happan nobility formed a class of native rulers even in Pelandan cities), I don't think that the Emperor in Raibanth ruled there exclusively.
IMO it would be wrong to state that Doblian and (East) Oronin were entirely Carmanian (prior to the Bull Shah conquests of Dara Happa). It would be as wrong to state they were entirely Dara Happan.
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