> Here's a crazy thought: Humakt's mother died in childbirth. Thus,
> *she* is Death. A mother's ultimate gift to her child.
It's an nice idea. I see only two problems, and I'm sure they're not insurmountable.
And one possible answer to number 1 is that no, she didn't die. Not until her son found Death, realised what it did, and gave her release. Gives him some motivation right from the start. *And* the original clash with Chalana Arroy.
Hang on, there's a thought. It was during the LBQ that CA first encountered something she couldn't heal. So "before" that (in causal order if not chronological), any injury could be healed. Why, in that case, were some injuries not healed? CA just wasn't there? So injured people just hung around being Not Dead until either CA found them, or Death got discovered?
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 118
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