> If Humakt IS death, then why did Eurmal take him to the Underworld to show
> him to himself?
Have you never heard of people 'discovering themselves'? Myths are not literal historical events, which is why they are not part of Time.
> If Humakt IS death, why didn't he do something when Zorak Zoran was using him
> during the Gods War?
Why should he? Death is a neutral power, that's what severing kinship and honour from truth is all about. The cult of Humakt, or particular temples may not be neutral to this extent, and may have rivalries with particular other cults, or even other Humakt temples, but the attitude of the Cult isn't that of the God.
> When Orlanth slew Yelm with death, was he holding Humakt by his
>head or his feet?
You realy think the gods are just people? That's the Malkioni view of theism, not the view of Theists themselves. Orlanthi know that Orlanth is the king of the gods, but they also know he literaly is the great winds that power the storms. To think like an Orlanthi you need to accept this world view, otherwise you will always see their culture with the eyes of a foreigner.
> Who was Humakt's mum?
I would guess a goddess of the Dark Earth. She may not exist anymore, but it's possible the Trolls know her as Subere.
> As for Humakt being, I mean actually being Orlanth's sword, I think
>most Humakti
> would be pretty insulted.
The only shrine to Humakt that many, probably most Humakti have is the sword shrine in an Orlanth temple, and they don't seem to have any problems with that.
Simon Hibbs
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 116
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