This assumes that he wasn't killed by Chaos by Councilic actions during the Gbaji Wars, which would also fit. Furthermore, we know that the post-Nysalor Council played with Chaos quite a lot, whereas the God Learners would not have (usually, at least until someone goofed and caused the Gift Carriers). Remember, the God Learners did nothing that the Council or Arkat did not do first, they just did it more often and for less reason. Personally, I think that blaming everything on the God Learners is like blaming everything on Trickster, a convenient scapegoating as often as not.
Alternately, perhaps he had been dead, but his worshippers thought that he had just become all Mystical. In this case, we could presume that they recognize his extinction only post-Harmast, and presumably shift to other Storm gods. Or they originally thought that he was dead like Basmol, and could still give magic, and they realized after the start of the Saga that they had been worshipping his sons, instead (imagine if Greater Orlanth and Orlanths of the Aspects had been destroyed, but the subcults still worked, with just their individual Affinities. Same thing, different but similar god).
> Also you can play with the idea of Umatum nailed to the sky and
> chained to the Earth by Shargash. Maybe the Horribilis mistakenly
> took Vadrus.
> Umath is dispersed in the winds of the worlds. He is the sum of
> all air.
Or at least his corpse is (see Ymir, in Norse mythology).
> [Peter's theory is so good it must be true too.]
> > While we're on the subject, is it true that Humakt, Orlanth,
> > Urox, and Vardus are all sons of Umath? Did he have any more?
> Umbrol, Ragnaglar, Hara
Plus any to small to name, or too unlucky when fighting the Devil(s) in the Gods War. Someone had to supply all that bronze, after all. :-)
> It depends what your stories want to emphasize. My count is Seven
> Sons. There are the Four Storms + High, Low and no-son. (Eurmal
> is a big ?)
Eurmal is a son of Umath only in the one myth. Tricksters are normally NOT unambiguously identified as son of X - the uncertainty contributes to the Otherness that is a big part to their Power.
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