> The feats would be your average combat feats that are rationalized
> as martial maneuvers designed to beat the crap out of anybody
> that doesn't respect truth.
But why would truth rune feats have weird multipliers to them and such? I ca=
understand them being things like "smite agents=20
of the lie" and such, but why this weird
bonus progression? (Nothing else does that except Lunar magic.)
> No. Firstly they are from different runes and hence feats are not
> transferable. Secondly if a Heortling Humakti were seeking to
> add a Carmanian combat feat to his honor ability then he would
> face the same problems as a Humakti seeking to add Hiia
> strongblade feats to his sword combat feats (ie normally impossible
> but a bribable referee might allow special cases).
I would actually say the rules support allowing=20
it in some cases, since Thunder Rebels
gives the example of someone changing subcults=20
and aspects and keeping some feats
or levels. And the HQ rulebook has the example of=20
not losing points in a combat affinity
transferred from one god to another. Whether the=20
specific feat goes though, who knows.
And can't subcult feats be picked up stand alone anyway?
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