[more readable link relay below...]
Or even set up a page or two listing these ports of call. It's not like we have an overabundance of traffic there.
> Not that we have the final say, but we are trying to make an interesting
> Karse.
Note that Simon Bray and Martin Hawley have Karse experience, too - there's lots more to the Men of the Sea background than made it into print.
>> And here is the list of cities I would like to include: >> HOLY COUNTRY >> Karse (Medium Port) (Men of the Sea)
Jane Williams
> Joerg, and the Wiki. And Lokarnos is your friend (as always).
Guess who's that Jorganos guy at Lokarnos, and who set up that wiki... :)
> http://lokarnos.com/article.pl?sid=03/10/07/1224254&mode=thread
> Loadsa links, including some to photos of the place.
> The link to the Wiki is in a comment at the bottom.
I'll prepare a page "ports of call", for starters. I might try to set up an interactive database for ports soonish as a course experiment.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 110
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