>Me> I don't know what Castle Blue has to do with Humakt since he isn't
> > said to have fought in that battle but the Battle of the Four Arrows
> > of Light.
>Well, it certainly isn't conclusive but the Battle of Castle Blue
>started when the Carmanians (Sons of Darbeest?) sent an army of the dead
>to attack Meglardirth.
This is the army that sailed from the Islands in Oronin Lake (FS p52)? They would have their origins in the "dead people on the shores of the Black Lake". Since the Castle Blue lay at the edge of both Carmanian and Dara Happan lands and that some of the Veth Ethdisi are said to be related to the conquered Carmanians, I think it's reaching quite a bit to label the dead people or their summoners Carmanians.
> It seems reasonable to me that the Hum'akt cult
>would have a role in allowing that happen.
Humakti using dead people? Rather contrary to what else has been known about them.
--Peter Metcalfe
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