I'm very tempted to start a new Glorantha campaign after years of play in Dragon Pass. Men of the Sea got me inspired. I'm toying around with the idea of pass the GM role around among our group and set up a small trading organisation/house in Nochet. Thereafter, those GMing get to lead trading adventures reaching most corners of Glorantha.
The format for describing settlements in Men of the Sea was also inspiring. So the first thing I'm going to do is collect info on and write up the most important port cities of Glorantha. I have access to 99% of printed material on Glorantha, so I start there. But I'm also curious if anyone (in their campaigns) has visited any of the port cities I will be working on. And if so, are you willing to share any cool ideas or descriptions? Please do send me a mail off-list in such a case. As an example I offer the city of Westel, culled together from Men of the Sea, Missing Lands and own ideas.
And here is the list of cities I would like to include:
Port Cities of Glorantha
Northpoint (Large Port)
Southpoint (Medium Port)
Sog City (Large Port) (map and guide"How the West was won")
Laufol (Large Port)
Arsden (Medium Port)
Manday (Medium Port)
Noloswal (Large Port)
Handra (Large Port) (map and guide "Tradetalk")
Seapolis (Medium Port) (map and guide "Tales")
Nochet (Large Port) (MOB's homepage and Tradetalk for the harbour)
Rhigos (Medium Port)
Karse (Medium Port) (Men of the Sea)
Dombain (Medium Port)
Dosakayo (Medium Port)
Lur Nop (Large Port) (map and guide in Kalikos 2)
Champaya (Medium Port) (Tales)
Westel (Medium Port)
Neutebum (Small Port)
Hombori Tondo (Medium Port) (Enclosure 2)
Dindanko (Large Port) (Tradetalk)
Dumanaba (Medium Port)
Tondiji (Medium Port)
Garzanz (Medium Port)
Nikosdros (Large Port)
Crandess (Medium Port)
Jiklinn (Small Port)
Type: Medium Port 15w
Look and Feel: A combination of Mayan Cuzco and a Philippine fishing
Reactions to Foreigners: Friendly and eaygoing, always on the lookout
for potential allies in the eternal elf wars. High tolerance towards
other sailors since every clan and family has seafaring relatives
visiting foreign ports.
Significant Abilities: Shipyard 18, Knowledgeable shipwrights 15W,
Shallow bay 12W
Other Features: Poisonous fishes in water, Great fish auction (+10
supply), Net making facilities, Calm waters (+5 to any arrival), two
catapults with Sky Fire, Hostile interior (Yellow elves and jungle)
Trade Modifiers: -10 on selling - all seasons
Exports: exotic wood 8, corals 11W, herbs 5W, pearls 6W3, precious
stones 2W
Recruitment Modifiers: +15 experienced sailors, -5 marines, +5 Openers
Renowned Facilities: Jakot the Figurehead Carver - Carve Magic
Figurehead 8W2, Sail-making 2W2, Afraid of Guardians 15W1
Ondiir Shipwright - Carpentry 11W2, Supervise Catamaran Construction
15W2, Suspect Fonritians 18W2
Polnop Vik's Trading Hall - Elaborate Wooden Trading Hall 19W2,
Confusing Deals 14W, Singing Corals, Laughing Pearls,
The Hizzing Lure - Snake Skin Seducers, Sex Pits, Exotic Fruit Drinks
Other Facilities: One Thousand Sand-growing Exotic Fruit and Vegetable
Fish Market - Matronly Fish Mongers 12W
The Daggermaker
Dealer in Yanchi Dust
Smuggler of Addictive Madness-inducing Aldryami Herbs
Famous Sights: Tilting and Graceful Palace of the Dynast 10W5
Ancient Stone Slab with Rock Carving from Sharzu 15W3
Exactly 55 Different Idols with Sails adorning every street crossing
Renowned Inhabitants: The Volcano Prophet
Polnop Vik the Harbormaster
Hoom His the Dynast of Flanch
Salnercec the Defiler of Waves
Patrik Sandberg
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