>Umath - where is he now? Was he destroyed by Chaos or is he still hanging
>around somewhere?
Umath is still around but chained by Jagekriand/Shargash for all Eternity (Storm Tribe p18). If you stand upon Kero Fin, you can see him in the far south on the spike with his arms in the sky and his legs in the earth.
>Same questions for Vardus.
Reportedly he was destroyed by Chaos but I have heard his worshippers were around in Harmast's Saga. I just think that he refused to accept the Great Compromise and is still wandering about in the Violent Storm sections of the other side.
>While we're on the subject, is it true that Humakt, Orlanth,
>Urox, and Vardus are all sons of Umath? Did he have any more?
According to the standard KoS genealogy, yes. KoS also describes Ragnaglar as also another son of Umath while Storm Tribe describes Brastalos as a daughter of Umath (p208). Matters are further confused in King of Sartar given that an implicit list of Umath's sons includes Ragnaglar and leave out Vadrus. And then there is the ancient issue of whether Umath's first son is Kolat or Umbrol.
So personally I've come to reckon that the genealogies are a lot of cobblers and vary depending on who is telling the story. For example, the Yggites, the Valindings and other Vadrusi might say that Orlanth was really Aerlit, a renegade son of Vadrus.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 105
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