That was the birth of Babeester Gor, deep in the Darkness, in the Valley of the Corpse. All that death exited the Mother, and began kicking ass.
On another note, about a year ago I had the chance to run a heroquest that required non-cultists to visit Axe Hall to beseech Babeester Gor for aid. While running it I had the inspiration to realize that the Screaming Isle isn't named that because of some weird screaming hole in the ground, or earth that moans when you walk on it-- the screams come from the countless beings held there, being tortured for their past crimes. The island is littered with the screaming, crucified (or worse) people, spirits, daemons and essences undergoing torture.
Mike Dawson
"And above all, never forget that the pen is mightier than the
plow-share. By this I mean that writing, all in all, is a hell of a lot
more fun than farming. For one thing, writers seldom, if ever, have to
get up at five o'clock in the morning and shovel manure. As far as I'm
concerned, that gives them the edge right there."--Willa Cather
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