> But I think the simplest answer is that it is possible to HeroQuest
> in the footsteps of a Hero as well as a God. Some of it is
> performing HeroQuests in the role a Hero who was following yet
> another HeroQuest - or especially in the case of Lunars an
> experimental HeroQuest (as Valare Addi did).
But if I am writing up a myth of HonEel for example, is it in God time or not?
> From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_quicksilver.net.nz>
> Not all of them. There are plenty of Lunar Goddesses that existed before
> the dawn such as Natha and Gerra.
True. As I acknowledged. But there are lots of Lunar cults that seem
to be purely postdawn.
The 7 mothers, all the inspirations. (Conquering Daugher, HonEel, etc.)
> Their myths took place on this world, the divine world, the sorcerous world,
> the heroplanes and the spirit world. Just because they were born within
> time does not prevent their mythology from being found in those places.
So if you do something siginificant enough in this world, the myth
percolates up into the
other worlds?
> From: donald_at_grove.demon.co.uk (Donald R. Oddy)
> Godtime is very confusing because events don't follow on from one
> another. They can also be changed by the actions of mortals after
> time began.
True. But stuff post Dawn doesn't happpen in Godtime, no?
> I'm hoping that some of this will be cleared up when we get ILH2
> and see the Lunar religion written from their viewpoint rather
> than that of outsiders. A lot of the Lunar mythology *appears*
> to have happened after time began but I'm not sure that's true.
And you may, indeed, have hit upon the answer. We've only really seen
Lunar myths
from the outside. An inside view might make it easier to figure out
how to write our own.
> As far as the Seven Mothers are concerned most of them are spinoffs
> of other gods.
> Etyries is a daughter of Issaries so has all his mythology plus a
> bit about having the truth of the Goddess revealed to her and a HQ
> to rebirth the Goddess.
But do you really get to do this? Does Etyries get to be a
Lightbringer? Would not there
be Issaries myths she doesn't get? And if she is a daughter post the
Dawn, how does
she get to be the central player in his myths?
What probably happened here is that an
> Issaries trader was involved in the rebirth and subsequently became
> a goddess herself. This meant that Issaries had a daughter in Godtime
> who doesn't appear in Heortling myth - the Lunars can be said to have
> changed Godtime in that respect although equally it has always been
> true.
So Etyries *always* existed (insamuch as Godtime can be changed) even
though she
was post dawn.
> Yanafal Tarnils is a Humatki resurrected by the Goddess.
And so you say the same thing here. He both was an wasn't always a god?
> Irippi Ontor is a Lhankor Mhy scholar who researched what was
> needed to rebirth the Goddess.
I thought he was Buserian? (Why on earth would a Pelorian be Lhankor Mhy?)
> Danfive Xaron appears to be a spinoff of a Solar god of criminals.
> Deezola is based on a healing goddess, possibly Azura from the
> Vrimak pantheon.
> Teelo Norri was probably a solar equivelent of Voria.
> Jakaleel I'm not sure about, I've seen her mentioned in connection
> with trolls but I can't identify a similar troll spirit. Of humans
> I'd suspect the SurEnslib tradition of Darjiin but I've not seen
> any writeup of a practice involved with spirits of madness. She
> may just have been a crazy shaman with no roots who was just what
> was needed at that point in time.
Also true.
But I'm not sure I buy the "they get all the myths of the person they spun off of" theory.
> She who waits is just mysterious, like Ginna Jar.
And has been identified (at least once) as Ernalda.
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