>1. I was rather thinking of the time restrictions that are not so
>onerous when compared to, say, a devotee. And on from that a western
60% for a devotee, minimum of 20% for a shaman but usually more than 50%, minimum of 25% for an adept. With devotees the 60% is it whereas shamans and adepts increase their obligations as they get more spirits or schools.
>2. Animist cultures certainly have great requirement for their
>practitioners and shamans to act for the greater good. Praxians
>for example. Kolatings seem to be more free and in some respects
>act outside of normal Heortling society, unless I misread Kolatings.
Yes Kolatings are a bit of an oddball, they are Animists in a Theistic culture so don't have the usual social position of shamans. Less responsibilities but at the same time very much on their own.
>3. Animists don't go in for the mass community support magic do
>they? Even when raising founders or big spirits like Oakfed they
>work in conjunction with other SHamans, not their whole communities.
>Of course I stand to be corrected.
I can't see a clear ruling but I don't see why not. When a Praxian clan gets their shaman to summon up a spirit bull bison to help to attack their neighbours I'm sure the whole clan stands round chanting in support.
Even when the community isn't animist I think it would apply. Getting a Kolating to help the clan probably involves the clan supporting the shaman's ritual. Best of all will be when a Lunar army unit is ordered to support a Jakaleel witch - should push a few "We are all us" limits.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 95 *****************************************
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