> >>Temertain's Telmori bodyguard, when on duty, are in wolf form.
>Me> A bit difficult to do in the dark phases of the Lunar Cycle.
>But as Hsunchen, they can changer when they want can they not?
>Like the Puma people in HQ?
--Peter Metcalfe
Hmmm. Yes, I try and fit my Glorantha in around that original boardgame. Having a look, its their combat skill that is affected entirely by the phase of the moon. You could say that the combat skill is a compsite of their martial and magical prowess.
I wonder then if one could make a case for magic/spirits from the Telmori tradition (if we agree they are animists, which I believe they are) are subject to the phases of the red moon in the same way the Lunar magicians are (HQ page 112). Would this, as I think this would, be a departure from current thinking regarding the Telmori?
Also, I would suggest a table for HQ Lunar magic rather to be;
Dark Lunar Magic x 0.3
Crescent Come x 0.5
Empty Half x 1
Full x 1.5
Full Half x 1.25
Crescent Go x 1
Dying x 0.5
The effect on the Telmori ability to shapeshift would then be that they would be unable to voluntary change into werewolves under the influence of Black and Dying moons. Thoughts?
I am relatively new back to Glorantha after a hiatus of 5 or 6 years. Has the link between the moon and the Telmori been removed, and the Wild Day change coinciding with a full moon only a coincidence?
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