I was under the impression that Jagajappa was a psychopomp not a Death God, which fits with the artwork featuring him. Associated with or heralding Death, yes, but not a God of Death per se.
TTFN Maddy E
>On 31 Mar 2005 at 4:01, Paul Andrew King <paul_at_morat.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Humakt might be the only God that fully personifies Death. But there
> are other Death Gods and Goddesses - Mahaquata is the Dara Happan
> Death Goddess according to GRoY. "Gods and Goddesses of the Lunar
> Empire" (Enclosure 1) lists Deshlotralas (Old Carmania) and Jagajappa
> (Saird, Jillaro) - Greg Stafford wrote the article so while it could
> have been "Gregged" I would believe that over the idea that Humakt is
> the only Death God.
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