> The entire story could be forgotten and our
> understanding of Jesus and what he taught would be unchanged.
I disagree with this, partially because I don't think our understanding of Jesus and what he taught has clearly never been agreed upon or understood (see, for example, the history of western Europe for examples). From my atheistic POV, the main influence of christian mythology on my life is probably Xmas presents - which feels justified by the gold giving antics of the three wise guys.
Besides , I thought they had names? Balthazar?
> > > Why? Because the old mindset has gone, there is nothing to
> > > _connect_ Durbaddath's worshippers to it.
> >It would be useful for _us_ to know,
> But the whole point is that because the Durbaddathi cannot know
> who beheaded Durbaddath, the position could be filled by _any_
> heroquester with an axe or guillotine.
Most other cultures seem to have some sort of Lion-killing hero - Tada, Orlanth, some Saint in the West etc.
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