> >>Temertain's Telmori bodyguard, when on duty, are in wolf form.
>Me> A bit difficult to do in the dark phases of the Lunar Cycle.
>But as Hsunchen, they can changer when they want can they not?
>Like the Puma people in HQ?
I was thinking of the time restrictions in Gods of Glorantha which limited the runespells to certain days of the week. Looking further, these restrictions however were not in the Dorastor: Land of Doom cult writeup.
I do think, given the Dragon Pass wargame, that the strength of the Telmori should depend on the phase of the moon which can easily be implemented by tying their magic to the Lunar cycle.
I don't believe that the Telmori can change like the Puma People can as the Telmori are Hsunchen while the Puma People are not. The Telmori may have had the innate ability to change into wolf form whenever they want during the period between Nysalor's gift and Talor's curse. Now their ability is always on at Full Moon and only by practice can they extend it to other days of the week (I think this is non-standard for Hsunchen).
--Peter Metcalfe
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