>As Peter doubtlessly will
>thoroughly deny (and has done before), IMO his cult was included in the
>sovereignty worship of all the Holy Country and has drawn theist worship
>from that, as well as a form of veneration from the Malkioni and
>pseudo-Brithini and some form of ecstatic (animist) worship by the
>spiritually inclined Kethaelans.
I would be interested in the details of my supposed thorough denial.
>IMO more importantly, there is the Other Side Holy Country which can be
>entered during the Tournaments of the Masters of Luck and Death which has
>all the elements and yet is not an ordinary Hero Plane (i.e. a mythic
In other words, it's a Short World attempting to become something bigger?
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 93
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