As always in heortling warfare, there is fyrd battle, thane battle and champions battle. Likewise I believe there were levels of reasons for the howling deaden of the Maboder tribe(maybe to do with Sartar heirs).
The foundation (fyrd) herein likely was that Sartars pact was violated.
But there were (thanes) individual leaders and their beliefs, ambitions anxieties and anger that were the launching force to trigger the Telmori.
And as always (heroic individuals). The Staglands and the Wolf Ridges were likely afflicted by a hero and tragic wannabies. Maboderkarla seems like a tale of mistakes and woe to me. Somebody special made something crucial, and add the above - the Maboders got the wrong end of the wolf.
I like the Idea that Kallyr might have been around learning a lesson for the future, and possibly making an error that took a dread long to be fixed? At least the Telmori high regard for Sartar shone elucidated.
Telmori didn't do it for fun. It was a sacrifice for their part. =Topi=
"There is nothing like desire for preventing the thing one says from bearing any resemblance to what one has in mind." - Marcel Proust, Rememberance of Things Past -
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