> The cult could have come through the area where Carmania is now -
> from Sylila or Talastar, through Pelanda. It could then have
> travelled West through Charg towards Loskalm.
I thought that might be it, but it seems to have been there from
before, from Fronela,
according to those more knowledgeable than I.
> I'm wondering if the Humakt cult we've known from Runequest days has been
> significantly shaped by Carmanian influences. If Idovanus were conflated
> with Hum'akt it would explain the emphasis on Truth and Honour - as well
> as the passage Jane recently quoted, linking Humakt to both Light and
> Darkness.
That's cute.
> Perhaps even the name Humakt is a Carmanian form - I seem to remember that
> the Storm Death God was Humath at some point (and where does Humct come
> into the story ?)
I seem to remember stumbling across a reference to Humath at some
point. And Humct
is the saint, no?
I think for me the weirdness is that Death seems to be a single god.
It's just Humakt
everywhere, and according to Peter, Humakt without the truth rune is
But this seems weird to me. There are NO other mythological
representations of Death?
(Even the Dara Happan one is "known to really be Humakt".)
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