> Light Castle:
>>Me> I think from the example of Ronos Allwinds in Masters of Luck >> > and Death, his cult's magic is common magic.
>>I'd have to disagree there. Ronos is a sorcerer and Beltinar's book is >>full of wizardry spells derived from theist myths.
> That's Ronos's interpretation of Belintar's Book. Belintar's Book is not
> written as a formulary but as a collection of theistic myths. Ronos
> has simply gotten the wrong end of the stick viz-a-viz the purpose
> of Belintar's Book. If Belintar had given him a telephone book,
> Ronos would have made a formulary of that too.
I'm sort of with Peter here. Belintar IMO is best covered as a common religion covering all of the known worlds. As Peter doubtlessly will thoroughly deny (and has done before), IMO his cult was included in the sovereignty worship of all the Holy Country and has drawn theist worship from that, as well as a form of veneration from the Malkioni and pseudo-Brithini and some form of ecstatic (animist) worship by the spiritually inclined Kethaelans.
There will be no parallel to the Cult of the Seven Mothers, IMO. Philippe has produced a cult of Belintar on the kethaela.en.free.fr site which seems to work during his presence, and prior to the publication of Masters of Luck and Death I penned a hero-band of pharaonic restorators which can be found there too, as an attempt how to handle his absence.
> Given that the Philosophy can be used by animists and theists, it
> still seems to me that the Pharaoh's magic is common magic. Other
> hints are the name of his political organization, the Holy Country, and
> the significance of Imarja in the Esrolian keyword.
IMO more importantly, there is the Other Side Holy Country which can be entered during the Tournaments of the Masters of Luck and Death which has all the elements and yet is not an ordinary Hero Plane (i.e. a mythic past).
Given the nature of the course of discussions of this on the Digest, I'd propose to switch replies to a more private forum, like the Karse Wiki or the glorantha-pays-saint yahoogroup which tolerates the occasional anglophone exchange.
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