>The chaotic entities have all shifted to the background in the recent
>HW/HQ material. They hardly seem to be the soul-destroying menace they
>were in the RQ era.
Well, isn't this just a reflection of the strong cultural focus in the current material, as opposed to the less-culturally focused RQ material?
Chaos certainly remains bone-chilling and soul-destroying in Glorantha, and Chaos certainly plays (and will play) center-piece bad-guy roll in most, if not all, Sartar Rising campaigns. In fact, if I recall, almost every major chaos baddy is represented in the storyline at some point in the campaign.Certainly implied by the rules and campaign is the Heroes will often find Chaos opposing them on Heroquests, as well. And, of course, the Empire is Order-in-Chaos, a contradiction that must be resolved.
So, seems to me, from a Heortling PoV anyway, Chaos remains as menacing as ever.
To bone up for some upcoming games, in fact, I was digesting all that great cult stuff from the Cult Compedium, as well as re-reading and trying to grok that great essay on Thed at <thrash thrash can't find the link>.
-- Clay claycle_at_cisco.com Cisco Systems, Inc. (972) 813-5004 ------------------------------
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