Demonology and Demon Lords of Glorantha West
I am not sure Heir of Malkion will provide information about sorcerers.....but they certainly exist in current Glorantha, some of them are very powerful enough to overpower Knights and Clergies in Dominant Churches.
Example1: From Oldest Material about West, provided by Nick Brooke
This is summoning a spirit or demon or god and engaging it in spirit
combat to force it to teach magic to the individual.
A way of learning magic without books or reading rolls. A summons must be made (takes magic, probably) and then the thing which comes must be fought in spirit combat. Driving it down to 0 inside the pentagram will cause it to teach any one spell which it knows.
This will take on some more meaning and flesh (ha ha) when I draw up a different list of spirits and how to determine if they know magic. There is, though, a demonic hierarchy in Glorantha as well. I'm just not sure what/how it is. There is not quite the same dualism in Glorantha as the Christian theology on Earth. >>
Most good Malkioni don't treat Demons even in compulsory / servitude relation. But certainly, demonologists have held place in Malkioni Culture even in ignoring God Learner various experiments and Inflamers [They sacrificed to Pagan Gods and even demonologists avoid them].
Example2: From Wyrm's Footprint, Godlearner Way to exploit Pagan Gods p.25
<<Magicians and priests began formulating a philosophy to investigate this, and eventually composed a powerful ritual which could be used to investigate the deities more closely. The ritual had a form similar to a Riddling Contest, with the entity and questioner each posting their own souls as the stake in the game.
Since the Jrusteli were armed with a wide range of religious, magical, and literary knowledge whereas the deities questioned were fixed into their spheres of interest the outcome of these contests was usually in favour of the mortals.>>
For some Sorcerers, best way to prove Supremacy of IG is forcing all other powerful entities into slavery. (Or simply they don't show concern about it.) Some of demons are some part of IGs of heretics, and for wizardly people without Abiding Book, concept of IG (infinite but with personality, nothing is equal) itself doesn't exist.
Caution! Most Gloranthan residents don't believe in independent origins of Three Worlds. In Brithini Philosophy (Probably most Erudite People in the West), Rune Entities precedes TW. [See Revealed Mythologies] Thus most of Alien World Entities might be categorized in same level of heretical Aspects of IG and Saints.
_at_Aspects of Invisible God (I think even Worst [and strongest] Sorcerers are reluctant to call hostile such aspect of Master of Enemy Creed and teaching. But its servants are weaker than their Master and can be exploitable.)
*Idovanus [From POV of Loskalmi, Contact Place: Mystical Plane somehow
related to Fire Essence?]
Husband of Red Moon Witch and Evil Empire of Red Moon of East. Once that
Power created Nieby that manifested in Material World as False Prophet, with
Physical Body. Arkat killed it but was corrupted by with its Contagious
Evil. Carmanians were once our kin but fell to such Heresy, reject Abiding
Book and mingle its teaching with False Gods. Syanorans misinterpret the
teaching of Irensavel with that of such Carmanian Heresy, and its teaching
is infectious and must be terminated as once Talor did in First Age.
[Most Malkioni are ignorant to diversity of Lunar Empire and identified them with their own singular point of view, that may be the primal reason of conflict of Creed in Hero Wars (I suppose), Carmanians reject Abiding Book and its revelation is same as that of Hubris that led the downfall of God Learner Empire. As it is modeled with RW Zoroastrianism, it might be quite different subset of pantheon of minor entities like indigenous minor deities rather than Western Saints, thus it is similar to Paganism rather than Heresy as Manichaeism Influence in Albi.]
*Irensavel [From POV of Rokari, Contact Place: Beyond Immeasurable Plane or
This entity is an absurd entity of North Infidels of Loskalm that 0th
Action, that supercedes Invisible God Makan. Their Dark Lords wield Dark
Sorcery from Illusion that All Men are equal in Material World as well as in
Essensial World. Their lies once rejected by Holy Abiding Book and heresy
were exterminated in 2nd Age, but during Closing and Syndics Ban, demons
revived and began to spread lies again.
[I think most Rokari doesn't know enough about creed of New Hrestoli as Medieval Europeans on that of Muslim, and they might make propaganda that Northmen believe some kind of paganistic icons like Bahomet. (Templars in Crusader Age.....)]
*Makan [From POV of Loskalmi, Contact Place: Beyond Law Plane Or Solace?]
False Entity of 1st Action and the god of Godlearners that which rules Evil
Principles of Matter, Godlearners fell to believe in Makan, not Irensavel
that was revealed by Abiding Book and began to believe the two are same and
equal. Makan deceived Seshnegi to conquer Glorantha allied with Brithini,
and nearly succeeded before Irensavel punished them all into Hell. South
Rokari revived the evil teaching of it, incorporated Brithini barren
teaching and rejected the revelation of Hrestol, Spark of Life and Joy.
[I think Loskalmi has moderate knowledge about Rokari Creed accumulated during the long peace in Syndics Ban After Prince Snodal. Their opinion about Makan, Evil Ruler of Matter and Source of Magic of Godlearners is similar to Ialdabaoth of Some RW Gnostic Sects.]
*Mostal [From POV of Brithini, Contact Place: Underworld]
Mechanical Entity that is the concept of Dwarves, its teaching and magic
mingled with False Planes in Underworld conterminated Vadel, the one of
Vimorni, it collapsed the harmony of Danmalastan once and nearly destroyed
Middle World but for Zzabur's Great Spell and Blast. Mortal people falsely
translated it with their Invisible God with Personality, but they are wrong
and such misconception always lead their undoing.....but we don't care much
about it.
[I am not sure about Mostali Sorcery is how connected with Brithini Sorcery that is similar in the concept of One Principle without Personality, in Brithini teaching in RM, the Underworld (Source of Darkness Element) is created final level of Actions of Malkion on the contrary of God Learner concept of Elemental Progression and Creation, which Darkness was firstly generated.]
_at_Dark Prophets and Saints [I think some of Prophets and Saints are identified with demons leading astray people into Heresy (and Hell) as AntiChrist do in The John's Revelation. (I suppose Prophet Ebbeshal must be soon labelled with Demons if Churches of Other Area begin to enough concern to that area.)
Some of entities are regarded as inferior as Rokari do to Hrestol as Saint rather than Prophet. I am not sure how current Rokari Church teaches about Ship of Life and Saint Eliasal, but quite likely it will be labelled as Heresy by King Gilmarn and his companion Theoblanc.]
*Arkat [From POV of Atroxi in Black Horse County, Contact Place: Sturdum
Well? Mistical Place in Underworld?]
Once, a son of Devil was born in Brithos, Isle of Atheism and Sorcery. He spread lies about enemies and began war against East which was ruled by False Called named Gbaji. That was a lie because before his calling of Deceiver, there no Great War in the West, just a small quarrels, but he taught people War and Lies which spreads Discord and Strife. Saint Atrox penetrated his lies and pointed out his true purpose to spread doubt and to implant questions inside of people's mind. Sir Ethilrist knew well about such a lie and Doubt how confuse the People who can be forged by Iron and Whip. Thus he constructed the church of the Son of Devil to his people as Admonition and how Seduction can be manifested.
[We don't need my poor words after such a long RW history.... but above is
might be the reason why Ethilrist hold Arkat Church in Muse Roost....(though
I still think it is a typo of "Atrox".....), Atroxi reject Abiding Book
*Hrestol [From POV of Rokari, Contact Place: Joy? or Saint Place?]
Once A Knight called Hrestol was in Middle World and helped people of
Ancient People of Seshnela, his heart was just but his teaching could be
easily into misunderstanding. Thus for this reason King Froalar expelled his
son to North Land with tears. (Of course it means we ignore the fact that
Serpent Dynasty is far more heretical than that of various modern Hrestoli
concept of Malkionism.....)
As in the course of his heart, he helped many people in the Exile but Vadeli didn't receive his heart but exploited him to their service, eventually Makan used Brithini to punish him for his teaching is dangerous to their Society and Law. Even the best man in that period could not avoid such tragedy.
God Learners did same mistake in their way to understanding Makan that is revealed in Abiding Book, and Makan punished their way for this same reason that they infringed the Law.
[Rokari rejects Hrestol's Prophet status and thinks its "Freedom and Equality Spirit" led the Downfall of God Learners against Loskalmi's teaching about "Makan and Evil Ruler of Material World".... I am not sure about their attitude with Aloranit Brithini that wasn't influenced by each practical cases.... Their caste concept is from Brithini, but Brithini contemptuous attitude to "Mortal Superstition" is certainly enough for them even after long disorder and confusion before Bailifes Dynasty....]
*Paslac [From POV of Arkat Peacemaker cult, Contact Place:?]
*Vadel [From POV of Brithini, Contact Place: None? Or still can be contacted
as One of Blue Vadeli Dark Lords.....I am not sure.]
Once, there is harmony in the Land of Logic which was called Danmalastan in
Ancient Language, Malkion was as Law, as Zzabur was as Magic. Many Powerful
Beings were among inferior beings (it is called Erasanchula). They are
citizens of Danmalastan and lived harmoniously.
But Vadel, a son of Viymorni broke the Law, to understand the beyond the Law. thus they were trapped by paradox of being to test First Principle of Malkion to hold their Immortality. Their error caused by them was called Evil by Mortals. From it, confusion, destruction of Malkion was. He died in New Malkonwal as if he was a mortal, mortals offended Zzabur that he betrayed Malkion, but Malkion is Law, Law doesn't have personality and only a facade. By this act, Zzabur revealed Truth and destroyed Vadel by this Truth. Mortals called it Sacrifice.
When Zzabur finally reached the period of true Separation of Ancient World
and Middle World, he cast Great Blast that caused Closing. That Magic bring
Brithos into Otherside Solace that cannot be reached our feeble spells. Why
we are discarded by him? We don't know.... But it seems that Vadeli returned
from their Long Exile when finally their Great Enemy don't be in Middle
[See Tradetalk Magazine #13 by Peter Metcalph.]
*Gbaji [From POV of Carmanians, Contact Place: Mystical World As Nysalor or
Arkat?, His Physical Parts can be found various places in Genertela. ]
See above about Arkat.
_at_Archons [In Brithini Philosophy, Primal Rune Entities are called is similar to Archons in New Platonism, for they are Powerful Entities in Alien Otherworld as Orlanth (as Rune Air), Yelm (Elmal? as Rune Fire) and Humakt (as Rune Death). And Zzabur seems to be similar entity as one of Primal Runes in Zzabur's teaching in RM, thus I list him as other Theistic Entities.
It reminds me RQ days that Runes are not detailed but Dieties defined with plural Block Style Primal Runes, if you watch enough about HQ day runes each define a specific deity, you will find many primal runes that is connected to identify one.... Erasanchula is Primal Runes.]
*Ehilm [From POV of Ralian Henotheists, Contact Place: God World ]
Pagans call him wrongly Yelm / Yelmalio / Elmal.
[Some Henotheists believe that False Gods were humans before they got great
power as Sorcerer, others believe in More Paganistic Generation Story,
Zzabur's Explanation in RM is middle position of the might be true
that Ehilm is worshipped in Ralios though it might be linked to Gbaji War
and memory to Nysalor Empire.]
*Humct [From POV of Death Cult of Fronela, Contact Place: Death Gale of God
World? Or Underworld]
Pagans call him wrongly Humakt or Saint Humath.
[As recent post from Peter Metcalph and Others, some form of Humakt Worship
in the area far from Dragon Pass certainly exist as you can see in Carmania,
but I am not sure how it originated or implanted.]
*Jogrampur [From POV of Sedalpists Pamaltela, Ancient Ruin of near
When Godlearners performed Evil Experiment in the city of New with the
Guidance of Master of New World Knowlege, Hidden Powers were suppressed into
servitude to them, but Invisible God angered to the hubris of God Learners
and let them from shackles to ruin the blasphemous people, don't close to
their ruin.....
*Worlath [From POV of Aeolians, Contact Place: God World (Peaceful Passage)]
Pagans call him wrongly Orlanth. Saint Worlath is revealed as a loyal
servant of True God of Saint Aeol, thus worshipping him is okay. Pagans of
North don't believe in Saint Aeol and still worships him with sacrifices of
Pagan Ritual, they are wrong and must be tamed by our civilized way of
[Aeolians don't believe in Abiding Book IIRC, thus they don't call Creator
Invisible God I suppose, see official site (though it is not complete
version) and Esvulari Voice.... but certainly Misapplied Worshippers in Game
*Zistor [From POV of God Forgot Brithini, Contact Place: None, or Machine
Ruin (Locsil) of God Forgot Isles]
Machine Ruin Experiment was performed by some ignorant mortals called
Godlearners in Imperial Age, they equated with the entity which they created
with as an incarnate of Dwarven World Machine, and they began to use it for
their wretched short life. But dwarves plotted against it with even enemies,
and managed to destroy it before it damaged too much to their instrument.
[It might be related with Mostal, but it was crushed and destroyed by many
Heroes in the End of 2nd Age.....]
*Zzabur [From POV of Castle Coastans, Contact Place: once in Middle World
Brithos, now in Solace (or in Limbo unknown to most heroquesters)]
Zzabur was the Archmage of Atheists who betrayed Malkion, his father when
the Prophet called help to perform miracle to save people from ruin, but he
betrayed Malkion, and the Prophet sacrificed himself as Martyr. For
enigmatic Ambition, he committed such a crime, though he performed Great
Blast to destroy Vadeli, he didn't do it for people's welfare.
Hrestol and Arkat both tried to condemn him by Chivalristic Way of Being, but both failed when former was persecuted by his servants in the City of Brass, and the latter fell to Hell and became Kajalki, as a master of Demons.
He cast Closing and moved Brithos to unknown place, betrayed Waertagi, and old alliance with God Learners... Though they are damned, Zzabur is far more worse than them. We don't care much about his whereabout and we are lucky when Saint Dormal found Brithos is no more in Middle World, I hope Invisible God may punish him forever in Hell!
_at_Underworld Entities [Aside from enigmatic Stygian Heresy of Arkat, most of
Malkioni are ignorant to Underworld, some order of "Orthodox" Malkionism
might be exception (see now old Narrator's Book of Hero Wars p.30, The Order
of St Gerome is its name. But I suppose they always risk danger life and
faith for Underworld inherent nature of illogicality.]
See above.
*Dadamus [Contact Place:?]
[It might be equated with Wakboth?, I found this name only in RM, Vadeli once allied with Mostali and Vadrudi, and later with Chaos Power.... I should mention here more about God Learner text in Lords of Terrors and Arcane Lore: In Gods War, ]
*Ganesatarus [From POV of Carmanians, Perhaps Underworld as followed in
Drastic Resolution: Darkness]
Before Aronius Jaranthir preached us the balance of Lunar, Light and
Darkness, there was a conflict of Light and Darkness. Truth empowers Light
to use against Lie, Lie conceals themselves with Darkness. So the conflict
of Light and Darkness began between the Great Two, Idovanus our Lord and
Ganesatarus, the Archenemy. All Evil come from Ganesatarus, but his weapon
was Darkness, but it is not evil itself.
In the period of Dark Shahs, some Magi fell to the trap of Ganesatarus and think that they can use Darkness and Lie to their benefit, Shahs agreed to use their plan, but always Deceiver corrupt makeshifts into purpose, so Shahs finally began to seek balance, but it is not perfect before Rufelza appeared in the Middle Air and taught Bull Shahs a lesson.
After long conflict of Blood King's War and alliance against Eastern Demon,
Arronius showed us that was the test to us from Prophet Carmanos. Our Magi
now don't try to exploit or to conquer Ganesatarus as in Ancient Days, for
Rufelza herself contains both Light and Darkness, and its cycle produces
Balance far more better than the bare crush of Light and Darkness in Ancient
[See Fortunate Succession, Entekosiad and Nick Brooke's Site]
See above.
Write Paradise Lost with these names in current Glorantha (perhaps in Loskalm?)..... of course not with original image of native lands and days.
Terra Incognita
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