At 12:00 AM 3/26/2005, you wrote:
> > That isn't a paradox. Going back in time and getting your
> > grandmother pregnant with your father isn't a paradox. Going back in time
> > and killing your grandmother before your father is born is a paradox.
>Not necessarily - in logic a paradox is a statement that is either self
>contradictory (your interpretation) or one that contradicts the primary
>axioms: a primary axiom is causality, every effect has a cause. Yet this or
>any similar histeresis clearly breachs the axiom of causality because it is
>impossible to say where it begins - hence it is a paradox in the second
It is if you accept that particular version of causality (all
effects have causes and all causes must precede effects). There are other
versions which it wouldn't contradict: 'Fields separated by space-like
distance commute with each other', for instance, because in this case the
separation is time-like.
Doesn't the fact that there are *exactly* 50 states seem a little suspicious?
George W. Harris
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 76