What about Urnbudud? Isn't that The Sword in the stars [ie Humakt]?
(I may be confused, but the GRoY 56,88 is still worth checking out.) (Perhaps the Young God myth could be told/true about Humakt?)
> Hence in my opinion, Humakt was in Fronela during the Storm
> Age. There is ample precedent for this - Vadrus was powerful
> in Fronela during that time and Humakt is associated with the
> North Wind.
Humakt's Lodge was quite far removed from Orlanth's Stead back then. That's the feel I get from the KoDP Sword Story for example.
It's the Vinkotling era when Humakt is amongst the orlanthi people. Possibly remedying the losses from the battle of Stormfall.
Storm Age, Humakt and Fronela sounds right.
"There is nothing like desire for preventing the thing one says from bearing any resemblancce to what one has in mind." - Marcel Proust, Rememberance of Things Past -
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