> Except that the proto-Carmanians fled Loskalm in part to avoid
> the ideas of the Great Empires. Moreover the chronology doesn't
> fit - Syranthir leaves in 725 ST which is just as the God Learners
> are starting to infiltrate the Holy Country and the River of Cradles.
> An argument could be made that Humakt's worship was spread
> by the World Council. This has its difficulties in that the World
> Council didn't have much penetration into Fronela (after getting a
> bloody nose at the Battle of Eleven Beasts) and that when it
> might have, it was strongly opposed by Loskalm. Arkat did
> switch to Humakt but he was in Ralios and Slontos at the time.
> Hence in my opinion, Humakt was in Fronela during the Storm
> Age. There is ample precedent for this - Vadrus was powerful
> in Fronela during that time and Humakt is associated with the
> North Wind.
> --Peter Metcalfe
Could the Arkat connection be the important one? Didn't the Carmanians have a
connection to Talor the Laughing warrior? Could it have been some of Arkat's
remainders with him who brought Humakt to the Loskalm region as an
version of the
honorable knight? There aren't many Carmanians clinging to it, but
since the group that
flees eastward is very warrior heavy, it can be somewhat overrepresented.
(I have no idea if that makes sense.)
Mind you, given that Vadrus is up north, it seems there is a straight
Orlanthi belt that
runs up from Holy Country northwest to the Glacier. Not the same
myths exactly, but
lots of overlap. So then your theory probably works fine.
> ------------------------------
> He might be. His full name is Belintar of the Harshax and a
> Harshax is ruling during the compilation of King of Sartar.
> --Peter Metcalfe
> Perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick sometime but I had thought
> references to Belintar coming back in time indicated that the Harshax of KOS
> was Belintar's past not his future?
> John
Is this where that whole "Time Travelling Pharoah" thing comes from? I remember seeing some references to that and wondering what inspired it.
(BTW, was anything ever established canonically about what type of
magic he used?
Sorcery, Animism, or Theism or "weird unique thing that is all and/or none"?)
(who also has been known to wear a sarong)
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