The Pharaoh

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 18:52:58 +1200

John English:

> > He might be. His full name is Belintar of the Harshax and a
> > Harshax is ruling during the compilation of King of Sartar.

>Perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick sometime but I had
>thought references to Belintar coming back in time indicated
>that the Harshax of KOS was Belintar's past not his future?

Ye olde Pharaoh the Time Traveller? Time Travel doesn't work in glorantha like that. The Book of Belintar, on the other hand, is written by the Pharaoh with impending knowledge of his disappearance to prepare the way for his eventual return.

Light Castle

>Is this where that whole "Time Travelling Pharoah" thing comes
>from? I remember seeing some references to that and wondering
>what inspired it.

It was inspired by an answer to a Lore Auction which in which Greg said "he fell out of the future". He's never explained it since.

>(BTW, was anything ever established canonically about what type
>of magic he used? Sorcery, Animism, or Theism or "weird unique
>thing that is all and/or none"?)

I think from the example of Ronos Allwinds in Masters of Luck and Death, his cult's magic is common magic.

--Peter Metcalfe

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