And I wear a sarong (a Malay roll-top full length skirt, for those who don't know) around home normally. They are comfortable, easy to put on and get off, light, and can be kirted up in summer. They are best made of light cloth, though. But I don't have a problem wearing it, and prefer it to shorts or pants for informal house wear.
I don't, though, wear it outside except to take the dog for a walk. Don't want to scare the natives too much; this is a very conservative area...
-- | Paul May | | Kax Hoplodyne, Ltd | | MIB 1138; RD Australia | I'm an omnitheist. You can't have too many messiahs. -- Internal Virus Database is out-of-date. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.3 - Release Date: 15/03/05 ------------------------------
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