[Taken to the Digest]
>Me> > The Carmanians did not adopt the name Humakt, they took it
> > > with them when they left Loskalm. In Dara Happa, Death is
> > > called Terminatus in formal usage but informally everybody knows
> > > he is Humakt.
>LC>Isn't that even further away? (I suspect my mental map of
> >Gloranthan geography is wrong.)
>Don't forget that in the Imperial Age, there were empires much larger
>than anything we have in Third Age Glorantha. So ideas could travel
>great distances pretty quickly.
Except that the proto-Carmanians fled Loskalm in part to avoid the ideas of the Great Empires. Moreover the chronology doesn't fit - Syranthir leaves in 725 ST which is just as the God Learners are starting to infiltrate the Holy Country and the River of Cradles.
An argument could be made that Humakt's worship was spread by the World Council. This has its difficulties in that the World Council didn't have much penetration into Fronela (after getting a bloody nose at the Battle of Eleven Beasts) and that when it might have, it was strongly opposed by Loskalm. Arkat did switch to Humakt but he was in Ralios and Slontos at the time.
Hence in my opinion, Humakt was in Fronela during the Storm Age. There is ample precedent for this - Vadrus was powerful in Fronela during that time and Humakt is associated with the North Wind.
--Peter Metcalfe
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